Advantages of having a bank / cryptocurrencies exchange account out of your country of residence

We support opening a personal/corporate accounts at bank / cryptocurrencies exchange account out of your country of residence. You will be able to enjoy more options of financial products, able to transfer money/crypto easily across the boarder.

Who can we recommend having a bank / cryptocurrencies exchange account out of your country of residence?

1. People who want to enjoy more options of financial products

2. People who want to use cryptocurrencies exchange such as Binance

Our services


Consulting service on opening a bank / cryptocurrencies exchange account

We will ask you about your current business, current situation, and your goals. We will propose which bank or cryptocurrencies exchange in which country/region to open an account based on your situation.


Opening an accounts

In recent years, opening a bank account has become very difficult, and you will receive many questions/requests from the bank / cryptocurrencies exchange you are going to open an account.
Of course, OWL will come fully prepared. At this stage, it depends on internal procedures of banks, but it may or may not be necessary to go to the site.


Support after opening the account

OWL can support you if you have any problem with an account. If requested, we can accompany you to the bank as a translator.

Advantages of OWL’s support

Experiences and good connection with banks/Binance

We have been supporting opening personal/corporate bank/Binance accounts since 2018.
We have good connections with banks/Binance and will be able to achieve your demands.

Structure construction considering tax

We are good at building structures that take tax into consideration, so we may also support changes in structures, including those that our clients already have in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and offshore (such as BVI)….etc.

Service Fee


Support fee for opening a corporate Bank/Binance account  USD1,500 ~

We support opening a personal/corporate bank accounts in Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Although It is very difficult to open a bank account for an offshore corporation, we will support you to open an account at ACLEDA Bank in Cambodia (affiliated with SMBC in Japan). Also we support opening the corporate Binance account.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us for consulting.
We will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

TEL:+81 50-1577-0654(Tokyo Office)

Business Hour:10:00〜18:00